Month: March 2016

Did Medical School Prepare Me For This?

Did Medical School Prepare Me For This?

This is not a cat blog, but. If you’ve been following, you know that we just adopted an adorable little stray cat from a local shelter, and (oops!) she just happens to be pregnant.  Our vet is lovely, and when she confirmed my suspicions that 

A Better Bedtime?

A Better Bedtime?

Hubby and I agreed that we need to get a better handle on the kids’ bedtime. It was after nine, and the kids were finally in bed, but still awake, protesting: Babyboy wanted someone to cuddle with him, and Babygirl wanted someone to rock her. 

In the Ever More Likely Event of a Terrorist Attack…

In the Ever More Likely Event of a Terrorist Attack…

I’ve been following the Brussels suicide bombing attacks more closely than I have time for. Terrorists have once again destroyed and disrupted life… but some people were able to help. Dr. Laura Billiet was just outside the Delta check-in counter when the explosions ripped through. 

The Three Things That Need To Happen On A Doctor- Mom Snow Day

The Three Things That Need To Happen On A Doctor- Mom Snow Day

If we’re snowed in on a school day, dammit, we’re going to be productive! It was the first day of spring, and this being Massachusetts, we had a snowstorm. Nor’easters are tricky to predict, and the projected impact was up, then down, then up again…  

The Infinite Wisdom of a Five-Year-Old

The Infinite Wisdom of a Five-Year-Old

Hubby has to travel for a few days. This morning, he bustled about sorting last-minute laundry and lugging his suitcase up from the basement, while Babyboy moped. Babyboy especially misses his daddy, and bedtime goodnight Facetime calls usually end with all of us in tears 

Sharing a post: stress and a bad diet can cause chronic pain, just ask my cat

Sharing a post: stress and a bad diet can cause chronic pain, just ask my cat

I just read the below highly entertaining post by Dr. Jen Gunter, and I have to share. Of course, I’m a primary care doc for women who also loves cats, so, I may be biased: As a pain medicine physician one of the hardest parts 

Maybe Next Time

Maybe Next Time

Today is Thursday, which is usually my day with Babygirl and Babyboy. It’s when I handle drop-off and pickup, and we do something fun after school. But, I’m at a conference. It’s an awesome conference, for physician-writers. But I’m sad that I missed my one 

Someone In Our House Is Pregnant… And It’s Not Me

Someone In Our House Is Pregnant… And It’s Not Me

When our big old lovey cat Raffy passed away two months ago, his best buddy Leo was bereft. The poor thing was up at night wandering the house, yowling, then moping about all day… Then, the kids were begging us… We had to adopt another 

Another Death That Hits Close To Home

Another Death That Hits Close To Home

In June, 2011, our niece Katie Socci was murdered. She was a clever, funny, and loving soul, admired as an amazing mother to a then eighteen-month-old toddler, while working full-time as an intensive care unit nurse. She was murdered by her ex-fiance, the day after 

Deserving Couch Potatoes

Deserving Couch Potatoes

Last night, for the first time in as long as we can both remember, maybe over six or eight months, Hubby and I sat down on the couch for an hour and watched television. Together. While drinking wine. And conversing. Without interruption. Miraculous! We completely