Month: April 2016

Oh, Rats!

Oh, Rats!

This week would have been a lot less complicated, if it wasn’t for the rat issue. Distracted is a mild way to describe the state of our household, since our neighbor called us: Early in the week, she happened to look out her window and 

Is This Normal?

Is This Normal?

Okay, our five-year-old just wrote a “silly book” (his words) encouraging maximum disobedience, disgusting behavior, and general nastiness. (See the entire thing below.) Babyboy has been creating “books” for over a year. These are doodles and words that sometimes tell a story, but more often 

The Santa Threat: Let Santa Help Keep Your Kids on the Nice List Year-Round

The Santa Threat: Let Santa Help Keep Your Kids on the Nice List Year-Round

Let’s face it, four and five-year-olds can be handfuls. Public tantrums, sibling rows, acts of willful disobedience… we’ve endured some spectacular displays of bad behavior. But we’ve discovered one easy and effective discipline trick: The Santa Threat. You know: When the kid is acting up, 

Primary Care: Personal Attention vs. Paperwork

Primary Care: Personal Attention vs. Paperwork

The doctor-patient relationship is emphasized and idolized throughout medical training. Students and residents study and even dream about how they will interview, examine, and relate to their very own patients, when they are attendings. They do not worry about paperwork. But every physician deals with loads of paperwork 

When There Are No Words, There Are Prayers

When There Are No Words, There Are Prayers

I have witnessed my own family, friends, and patients experience massive, painful losses, and I’ve often wished to God that I knew the exact right words to say, the words that would make it easier for them. But I don’t know. Like most physicians, who 

It’s Time

It’s Time

Four in the morning. Our little pregnant cat chirped loud purr-meows, climbed up and even pawed at my head, until I got out of bed. This is not her usual behavior.  Thinking she was especially hungry, I ventured downstairs and tore up some sliced ham, 

Department Store Shenanigans

Department Store Shenanigans

Today is Thursday, my day off. It’s my day for kid drop-off and pick-up, animal shelter volunteer duty, errand-running, AND my highly anticipated big gym workout. But, I’m congested and coughing, and I am NOT going to be the person hacking their lungs out on 

The Icing On The Cake

The Icing On The Cake

It’s my only free hour of the weekend to get in a post. But- what to write about? I asked Hubby for some ideas, and he effortlessly rattled off multiple potential topics based on our week: Babyboy lost his first tooth, and it was only at