Month: September 2011

Taking Patients Home With Me

Taking Patients Home With Me

This week has been a very rough week. Interestingly, my energy levels are up. (FYI this corresponds quite nicely to the fact that we ran out of sugar in our house, which in my pregnant state, I had been allowing myself to ladle into my 

I am so tired.

I am so tired.

This thought is going through my head all day, every day lately. I’m tired when I get up; all day long; and every evening. At work, after seeing patients, trying to slog through charting,  I have to stop typing mid-sentence and just rest my brain. 

Where Were You on September 11, 2001?

Where Were You on September 11, 2001?

I was a Med/peds intern then, based at a small community hospital about 1 hours’ drive from New York City. I had been on call overnight on the Pediatrics ward, and we were in the middle of morning rounds. The entire team was standing around