Month: January 2018

I picked up a stranger by the side of the road this morning.

I picked up a stranger by the side of the road this morning.

I had almost run her over. It was a dark and snowy morning, six a.m., two more inches on the ground than had been predicted, roads a bit slick. I was steering the minivan with one hand and slugging coffee with the other, came up 

When medical training is malignant

When medical training is malignant

I was on the subway this morning, idly perusing Twitter, when a desperate tweet caught my attention: “Does anyone know who this blogger is? They sound suicidal. They need help. Please retweet.” The link was to this post by an anonymous American surgery resident. In 

Finally… An entire book by and for doctor-moms (& applicable to all working moms)

Finally… An entire book by and for doctor-moms (& applicable to all working moms)

I’m extremely proud to announce that the Mothers in Medicine book is now available for ordering on Amazon as well as from Springer publishing!* This comprehensive work represents a massive effort by physician- mom and editor at the Mothers in Medicine blog Katherine Chretien, as 

How I Did Not Lose My Sh*t With My Kid and What Helped

How I Did Not Lose My Sh*t With My Kid and What Helped

I wish I could stay calm and cool. I wish I was one of those parents who so rarely raises their voice that when they do, kids attend immediately. Their teachers are particularly skilled. Kids will be being kids, unruly and giggly and squirmy, and 

Snow Woes and Pros

Snow Woes and Pros

You may have heard of the “Bomb Cyclone” hurricane-style blizzard we on the East Coast were treated to yesterday. To the hardy New Englander, the snow totals were no biggie. It was the wind and the storm surge that caused the most problems. A significant