Month: March 2011

Learning Our Lessons, Chapter 1: Listen To Your Gut

Learning Our Lessons, Chapter 1: Listen To Your Gut

Last fall, my patient Kelly came to the office with shortness of breath. She’s an athletic black woman with a history of asthma; she’s also a nurse at our hospital. It was fall and her allergies had been acting up. She had already called asking 

Pager Anxiety

Pager Anxiety

I was on call for 7 days starting last Friday. My mother watched Babyboy all day until I got home from work close to 7 pm. My husband was traveling. Mom and I  had a bowl of soup together, and then she went home. I 

The Study/ Skills/ Magic of Putting a Baby to Bed

The Study/ Skills/ Magic of Putting a Baby to Bed

When Babyboy was around two months old, a well-meaning member of our church asked me, “Is he sleeping through the night?” I had to stammer out that, um, no, he is actually up about every 3 or 4 hours still. I shrugged it off. But