Month: January 2016

When The Winds Of Change Blow…

When The Winds Of Change Blow…

Our entire massive hospital system is switching over to a new electronic medical record (EMR). From the outside, this doesn’t sound at all monumental, or even complicated. But for us, it’s pretty huge. Up until now, we’ve been using five or six (or more) different 

Sunday Night Tantrum

Sunday Night Tantrum

It’s 9 p.m. on a Sunday, and I’m sitting here watching Babygirl, who is thrashing around on the floor at my feet, howling and crying, pulling at my legs, pulling my arm, yelling: “I’m hungry Get up Put your computer away Get me a snack 

The Lady With The Pearl Necklace

The Lady With The Pearl Necklace

We flew back from Guatemala yesterday- me, Babygirl, Babyboy, and Nana. Two flights, via Atlanta. Babygirl threw a tantrum right at the beginning of our first flight. I panicked internally, worrying that this would be another three-hour megafit. But the flight attendant OK’d her watching 

International Humiliation

International Humiliation

Two major events yesterday: Babygirl had a monumental temper tantrum, and we were interrogated by armed guards. What do these two things have to do with each other? I’m in Guatemala with Babyboy, Babygirl and Nana for a family wedding and mini- vacation. Respectable family 

Vacation Mode

Vacation Mode

Apologies for the delay in posts! I’m at a family wedding in Guatemala with Nana and the kids. Of course, traveling with kids provides ample fodder for parenting posts… Stay tuned…  

#momfail or #momwin?

#momfail or #momwin?

I love sharing our family outing disaster stories. We need to do more of this, as a society. Let’s face it, we all tend to overedit our Facebook posts… Right now? I’m a mess. My lower back is killing me. I’m overdosing on Aleve. I smell