Month: September 2012

Snot and Vomit

Snot and Vomit

So the whole family is sick. It started with Babyboy, the very predictable side effect of his various therapy and group appointments. (He’s newly hooked in to Early Intervention for speech therapy, as well as music therapy, behavioral play therapy, behavioral group therapy… His schedule 

A Typical Fall Friday for our Family…

A Typical Fall Friday for our Family…

Hubby works in sports. Fall means football. He travels for work most weekends in the fall, Friday through Sunday. That means Friday mornings are a tad hectic, mostly for him; I am up and out the door by 6 a.m. He relies on either Nana 

Am I losing my mind?

Am I losing my mind?

Every so often, I will have a patient who is genuinely concerned that they’re losing their mind. They’ll describe that: Lately, when I go to a room to get something, I get there and I forgot what it was I was going to get! Or, I’ll