Month: September 2016

Note To Potential Thieves…

Note To Potential Thieves…

True story: Yesterday afternoon, I left work around five-thirty p.m., went to my mom’s, picked up the kids, and drove home. Hubby was still at work. I walked up our back steps, and was alarmed to find the screen door unlocked, and the back door 

When Doctors Screw Up

When Doctors Screw Up

Just recently, I called a patient to tell them that my error had probably resulted in a delay in the diagnosis of their serious medical illness.* As soon as I had realized the error, I had thought and thought about how to broach the topic 

And Some Words of Appreciation

And Some Words of Appreciation

“Guys, look, look at that beautiful sunset!”  I admit I was only trying to distract them. Babyboy sulked in his booster seat, rubbing his eyes and wiping his nose with his dirty little fists, head hanging low.  I’d rushed from my late afternoon clinic to 

“Honey, The Basement Is Flooding!”

“Honey, The Basement Is Flooding!”

Monday’s clinic was kind of crappy. I got home late, after seven p.m., and hungry! But Hubby was already reading stories to our freshly bathed and pajama’d kids, so I delayed dinner and jumped into the bedtime routine. An hour later, at least Babygirl was 

Remembering 9/11, and Hiding It From My Kids

Remembering 9/11, and Hiding It From My Kids

It’s Sunday, and the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11. For whatever reason, my kids decided to wake up at four a.m. today, and Hubby’s in Arizona. Groggy, grumpy, I let them watch cartoons, and I opened up my laptop. There were so many 9/11- themed news 

What My Vote Really Means

What My Vote Really Means

Today, Thursday, is my weekday off from clinic, and it’s also Massachusetts primary day. Thursday is an atypical voting day; usually Tuesdays are voting days, and as I’m on the train for work at six a.m., it’s difficult for me to get to the polls. 

What’s more dangerous for a six-year-old to handle: a toy truck, or a steak knife? 

What’s more dangerous for a six-year-old to handle: a toy truck, or a steak knife? 

Yesterday morning, Labor Day, the kids awoke early. As they do. Then they started fighting. As they do.  So what to do? Distract. I was about to make a fruit salad from the assortment of odd produce in the fridge: kiwi, pineapple, strawberries.  Babyboy loves 

I’m Forty-Four, and I am So Psyched For This Barbie.

I’m Forty-Four, and I am So Psyched For This Barbie.

My mom bought this for my niece for her third birthday. It was a hit! She and Babygirl immediately and breathlessly tore open the box and got down to playing. But they weren’t the only ones thrilled to see this set. I am absolutely tickled.