Month: September 2014

When Your Kids Surprise You

When Your Kids Surprise You

Sometimes your own kids throw you for a major loop. Yesterday was Saturday, and I was not on call. I had a vague plan for the day: Be productive. Hubby had to go into work in the morning, so, I figured I would take the 

My Other Patient Population

My Other Patient Population

Just a few weeks ago, I ran into another volunteer at our town’s animal shelter. We chatted and joked about how low the cat census was. There were only three cats up for adoption. Ha ha, he said. We joke now, but wouldn’t it be funny 

MiM post on the damage of physician training:

MiM post on the damage of physician training:

Some thoughtful comments for my last Mothers In Medicine post: Why Is Residency So Harmful, And What Can We Do About It?

A Fall Saturday Morning With The Kids: Gardening 101

A Fall Saturday Morning With The Kids: Gardening 101

Hubby left town this morning for a Sunday game, and I wanted to get the kids outside. They had been inside all morning, alternating between arts n’ crafts (an assigned project for Babyboy’s class has morphed into a several days’ tornado of construction paper, glue 

When Work and Home Collide (Episode 1247)

When Work and Home Collide (Episode 1247)

As many times as this has happened, I have no graceful coping strategy. Last evening, just as Hubby and I were herding our two wound-up kids upstairs towards bathtime, my pager went off. Hubby said he could handle things, and I went to the dining