Month: April 2015

Goonies and Nonnies and Hope

Goonies and Nonnies and Hope

I worry that I’m too negative when I write about Babyboy. Lately, I’ve focused too much on disability, and not enough on ability. Honestly, we often marvel at his creations. He’s a whiz with mechanical contraptions in general. Last week, he built a pulley system 

“You’re a raspberry!” – On defiance and other difficult kid behaviors

“You’re a raspberry!” – On defiance and other difficult kid behaviors

I never know how to respond to my kids’ difficult behaviors. Or, rather, how to correctly respond. Despite the myriad parenting books, websites and blogs I’ve turned to, plus our pediatrician, a child psychologist, and  friends, I don’t ever know what’s the right thing to do. 

How To Study For Your Boards: Go On A Play Date

How To Study For Your Boards: Go On A Play Date

I took the medical board recertification exam this week. This is a day-long, standardized multiple-choice test that practicing internists need to take (and pass) every ten years. It’s becoming more difficult to pass: ten years ago, the pass rate was 90%. Last year, it was 

Trust That They’ll Grow

Trust That They’ll Grow

Yes, there are still piles of dirty snow in parking lots and the shadiest corners of yards. And it did snow again this week, a wintry mix that was more wintry than mix. But it’s as clear as the antihistamines flying off the pharmacy shelves: 

A Teaching Moment (Latest MiM Post)

A Teaching Moment (Latest MiM Post)

My most recent post at Mothers In Medicine: An essay on the current underrepresentation of women doctors in medical education, myself included… and few words about Doc McStuffins. A Teaching Moment

“Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting? (Sharing a wonderful essay)

“Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting? (Sharing a wonderful essay)

A beautiful post from Lara Friedenfelds, that I’ll likely read over several times: “Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting?

The Sweetest Nature

The Sweetest Nature

It was Tuesday evening, and we were in the family tag-team process of clearing and cleaning supper dishes/ preparing kids’ lunches/ picking up toys/ herding kids upstairs to the bath. Hubby and I had both come home from work on the later side, and my