Month: May 2014

Vacation Days And Other Blessings

Vacation Days And Other Blessings

I’m back to work tomorrow after a weeks’ vacation. It was a real vacation, in that I achieved several real vacation goals that I rarely achieve on vacation and that we all should achieve on vacation: One, I unplugged. I did minimal logging in to 

Will My Kid’s Illnesses Knock Me Off Track?

Will My Kid’s Illnesses Knock Me Off Track?

“I have boogers! MOMMY! I HAVE BOOGERS!” Babygirl screamed in a fit of horrified rage, this past Friday evening. She did, indeed, have two cascading falls of green mucous rolling down her face. Thus began another multi-night stretch of really, really bad sleep, for all 

Functional Prosopagnosia

Functional Prosopagnosia

Prosopagnosia (Greek: “prosopon” = “face”, “agnosia” = “not knowing”), also called face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g., object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g., decision making) remain intact. 

A Mom Moment

A Mom Moment

I pulled into our driveway yesterday around six-thirty in the evening, though it was still light out. Nana had just dropped off the kids; they were out back with Hubby, chatting with a neighbor. I could see Babyboy pointing at ants in the dirt, while