Month: March 2012

Fifteen Patients, Fifty Issues

Fifteen Patients, Fifty Issues

Fridays are my long days. I see patients pretty much from 8:30 am to 5 pm, which really means being at the office by 7 am and leaving around 6 pm. On most of those long days, I see around 12 to 14 people. Of 

Back to work….And loving it

Back to work….And loving it

So I went back to work at 9 weeks postpartum. We are allowed 3 months’ paid leave, which here in the USA, even for doctors, is really good maternity leave. 2 months of that leave is completely covered,  meaning, by our productivity model, I don’t 

Does anyone else think a trip alone to the grocery store qualifies as fun?

Does anyone else think a trip alone to the grocery store qualifies as fun?

Yesterday, I had the day off from work, and a list of chores/ errands/ stuff I needed to do. My saintly mother offered to watch the kids for me for a few hours so I could: go running, go grocery shopping, do laundry, and catch