Without a shadow of doubt

Without a shadow of doubt

We were at Cancun Airport’s Gate 11, waiting to board our flight home. Hubby and I couldn’t ignore the alarming news alerts popping up on our phones every few minutes, and the kids noticed. “So what’s going on?” asked our son. Up to that point, 

Free Books

Free Books

“But that’s one of my favorite books! Why would anyone ban it?” This morning, my kids and I ran through a list of children’s books that are currently banned by school districts and libraries across America. As we read the titles, much incredulity, outrage, and 

Clinicians are voting for change

Clinicians are voting for change

Infuriated more so than inspired by the current administration’s ongoing mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic… No, wait, mishandling isn’t a strong enough word. Bungling? Or worse than that. I feel the need to infer malicious intent: Perverting, perhaps? Yes, let’s go with that! Infuriated more 

Vote for Science

Vote for Science

A bunch of doctor-friends and I were recently lamenting that none of the larger physicians’ institutions were taking a strong stance on the presidential election. I was jealous of my RN colleagues as their largest union organization and a group of over 700 nurses recently 

Don’t you want a doctor who cares about all of you?

Don’t you want a doctor who cares about all of you?

A rather backwards and whiny WSJ OpEd titled “Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns” has sparked an explosive backlash from the larger medical community, and with good reason. Physician Stanley Goldfarb, retired dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, laments 

Real Veterans on Veteran’s Day

Real Veterans on Veteran’s Day

It’s the middle of the day on Veteran’s Day 2018, and not too late, I hope, to share a few words from some real veterans, and heroes. There is little need to comment any further on any of these words, impressive reflections of wisdom, and 

Voting Is Contagious

Voting Is Contagious

I believe every vote matters. If you don’t believe that, then let me tell you why you’re wrong:  Because voting is, in fact, contagious. The behavior of one individual can widely impact the behavior of their social circle, and  this particularly applies to political behavior. 

Can’t Blog Without a Free Press

Can’t Blog Without a Free Press

When I was a kid, we would go to Guatemala to visit family. During that time, various and sundry military dictatorships wrangled for power, and we witnessed the Army searching people, bombing homes. Family members were murdered. The press was censored at best, controlled at 

Physicians Are Standing Up and Speaking Out

Physicians Are Standing Up and Speaking Out

If any physician suspects that a child (or an elder) is being abused, they are legally required to call the appropriate authorities. When Washington D.C. pediatrician Sanjiv Sriram saw that children were being abused, he did just that. He called Child Protective Services… on the 

Memorial Day, Explained Better Than I Could

Memorial Day, Explained Better Than I Could

“Memorial day quotes” is a thing. People are seriously seeking inspiration and meaning on this holiday. I thought it would be difficult to find a few good, powerful, slightly subversive and yet unarguably patriotic quotes from respectable famous people. But no: this was easy, and