Healthy Living: Let’s Get Real with Laura Klein, Culinary Health Coach

Healthy Living: Let’s Get Real with Laura Klein, Culinary Health Coach

Laura Klein is a trained chef and ACE/Wellcoaches certified health coach as well as consultant for the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine’s CHEF program. She is the owner of Well Seasoned Coaching, and gets rave reviews from her clients. I’m so thrilled that she will be 

Healthy Living: Let’s Get Real

Healthy Living: Let’s Get Real

I’m thrilled to share the pilot episode of Healthy Living: Let’s Get Real, a casual and honest (read: very low-budget) nutrition and lifestyle TV series. In the show, healthcare providers share their own stories and real-life healthy habits. The pilot episode features Laura Etre, a 

Plant-Based Grilling

Plant-Based Grilling

So we grill everything. Any vegetable or fruit, it can be grilled: on the grill directly, in a grill pan, or wrapped in foil, and with delicious results. We came to this realization by accident, when some friends went on vacation and left us with 

When life gives you tomatoes…

When life gives you tomatoes…

So it’s late summer and there’s a surplus of beautiful, ripe tomatoes. But you don’t have time to make sauce and one can eat only so many salads… Try Balsamic Roasted Tomatoes, caramelized sweet with just a hint of sea-salty garlicky goodness. And so freaking 

Healthy Habits: Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk!

Healthy Habits: Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk!

Some truly terrific Harvard medical students invited me and lifestyle medicine hero Beth Frates MD to give a lunchtime talk last week. I could talk about nutrition and healthy lifestyle stuff all day long, so I jumped at the opportunity! The event was organized by 

A Heart- Healthy Easter Supper

A Heart- Healthy Easter Supper

Easter is a joyful holiday for many reasons. Yes, for Christians it represents resurrection, rebirth, and the ultimate hope. The timing is perfect for celebrating Spring and nature’s awakening, and for kids running around without jackets hunting for sugar sugar sugar, and their grownups standing 

A Healthier (and Delicious!) Version of Meat, Potatoes, & Veg

A Healthier (and Delicious!) Version of Meat, Potatoes, & Veg

I get it. The umami of grilled steak, the creamy mouthfeel of a squishy starch, plus the virtuous plop of green on the plate: It makes everyone FEEL so good.  And a ton of people eat this way all the time. You’ve heard people described 

If You Plate It…

If You Plate It…

I was giving a talk on nutrition for heart health at our local library recently, emphasizing the power of the plant-based diet, and someone asked me the dreaded question: “How do you get your kids to eat plants?” It wasn’t a challenge, just an honest 

Why The Mediterranean Diet Wins, and Three Real- Life Recipes

Why The Mediterranean Diet Wins, and Three Real- Life Recipes

US News and World Reports just announced that the Mediterranean diet is the best, in multiple categories, most notably “healthiest”. For anyone who says “show me the data”, well, there’s a ton: This study of over 70,000 women in the Nurses’ Health Study found the 

Cooking with Kids: Sugar Glass Creations

Cooking with Kids: Sugar Glass Creations

Ok, this isn’t so much a recipe as a science experiment that you can eat. I’m always looking for ways to engage the kids in learning, and double bonus if it results in something yummy! Babygirl and I will sometimes flip through a food magazine