Tag: vaccines



Sunday, January 3rd was a particularly eventful day for us. Yes, it was the Patriot’s last game of the season, which impacted us in more ways than one. It was also the day I got dose #1 of the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, which was lucky 

The Delights and Despairs of the COVID Holiday Season

The Delights and Despairs of the COVID Holiday Season

I know my last post was almost three weeks ago! I’ve been meaning to cover the COVID vaccines, and indeed, I’ll get to that later in this post. But first, an explanation for the delay: I promised myself that I would not write even one 

Doctor-Author Book Chat: Gretchen LaSalle, MD

Doctor-Author Book Chat: Gretchen LaSalle, MD

There’s been so much press about the potential COVID-19 vaccine, from tracking development details to speculating about compliance. And people are asking about other vaccines as well: I gave a talk last week, and the top questions ended up being about the flu vaccine. I 

Standing Strong for Science

Standing Strong for Science

Over the past few months, I’ve become a major immunization advocate. But it was almost by accident. Yes, we are in the midst of a measles outbreak. Measles, a potentially debilitating or even deadly virus, was declared eradicated in 2000, can be easily prevented with 

Doctors Are Being Cyberbullied: Why That’s Bad, and How We’re Fighting Back

Doctors Are Being Cyberbullied: Why That’s Bad, and How We’re Fighting Back

I’m being cyberbullied. On August 8th, a colleague had posted a video on Instagram for National Immunization Month, and was bombarded with nasty comments and negative fake reviews from anti-vaccine activists. She reached out to our physician group on Facebook for backup. Many of us rushed to support her 

A Physician Colleague Is Being Attacked: How We Can Support Her, and the Facts.

A Physician Colleague Is Being Attacked: How We Can Support Her, and the Facts.

The call for help came from another physician on social media. Dr. Jen Trachtenberg, pediatrician and parenting expert at AskDrJen, had posted a video for National Immunization Awareness Month on her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feed. Unfortunately (but predictably), a small group of anti-vaccination trolls