Tag: stress

Coronavirus: Run (Anxiety) Away

Coronavirus: Run (Anxiety) Away

I can’t imagine there’s anyone who doesn’t feel extra- anxious right now. If you’re feeling chill and happy and relaxed, then by all means, skip this post. For everyone else experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s pretty normal to feel stressed. But these natural negative emotions 

All Kinds of Stress Tests

All Kinds of Stress Tests

Today, I’m sharing a post written by Hubby about his recent health scare and hospital admission: My Weekend Stress Relief . Here is how it begins: “The simple pleasures in this life start most days with the morning paper and the first pour of fresh-brewed 

How to keep your balance when things are crazy

How to keep your balance when things are crazy

It’s December, the craziest time of the year. You have to be everywhere, there’s a million things to do, and that’s on top of your regular work schedule and family duties. And there may be additional stuff: Kids get sick, finances are tricky, relatives can 

How To (And Not To) Hold An Office Meeting: A December Story

How To (And Not To) Hold An Office Meeting: A December Story

In outpatient clinical medicine, as in any profession involving an office, there are meetings.  Meetings for all kinds of reasons, but especially for when mistakes happen. Because in medicine, as in any profession, mistakes happen. And we have to have meetings about them, of course.