Tag: travel

Pandemic Vacation

Pandemic Vacation

COVID-related notes from our nine-day family trip to Guatemala: Easter is a big deal in Guate. It’s not only about religious services, street processions, and family gatherings; It’s also about vacation, and everyone flocks to the coast to frolic. That was April 4th. As a 

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Leaving on a Jet Plane

March was miserable, but April’s already an improvement. Not only because the office politics are settling out, but because I left the country. Let me tell you, THAT really helps! Yes, we managed to jump through all the pandemic travel hoops, and here we are 

Practicing What I Preach, Even on Vacation

Practicing What I Preach, Even on Vacation

I may be on a family vacation in Guatemala, but the blog goes on! This is the perfect time to share another example of a doctor following their own medical advice, in real-life and real-time. I believe it’s possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle while 

The Lady With The Pearl Necklace

The Lady With The Pearl Necklace

We flew back from Guatemala yesterday- me, Babygirl, Babyboy, and Nana. Two flights, via Atlanta. Babygirl threw a tantrum right at the beginning of our first flight. I panicked internally, worrying that this would be another three-hour megafit. But the flight attendant OK’d her watching