Tag: hubby



Sunday, January 3rd was a particularly eventful day for us. Yes, it was the Patriot’s last game of the season, which impacted us in more ways than one. It was also the day I got dose #1 of the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, which was lucky 

Serendipities and Vicissitudes

Serendipities and Vicissitudes

I’ve been acutely aware that this blog has been sorely wanting of an updated post. But I’m struggling with what to write about, what to reflect upon… there’s just so much. Yes, of course, the climactic followup of my last post: Hubby’s long trip to 

A Voice of Integrity

A Voice of Integrity

There should be some sort of recognition for those successful people who came by their good fortune by honest means. After all, that is the American Dream. Hard work, conviction, and persistence should be rewarded with career advancement and achievement, right? Too often that is 

“Honey, The Basement Is Flooding!”

“Honey, The Basement Is Flooding!”

Monday’s clinic was kind of crappy. I got home late, after seven p.m., and hungry! But Hubby was already reading stories to our freshly bathed and pajama’d kids, so I delayed dinner and jumped into the bedtime routine. An hour later, at least Babygirl was 

Blizzards and Blessings

Blizzards and Blessings

We had a major blizzard with a ton of snow yesterday. It was all over the news and the major topic of any conversation for days. Everyone was running around crazy. And anyone I ran into asked me something along these lines: “How jealous are