“Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting? (Sharing a wonderful essay)

“Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting? (Sharing a wonderful essay)

A beautiful post from Lara Friedenfelds, that I’ll likely read over several times: “Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting?

The Sweetest Nature

The Sweetest Nature

It was Tuesday evening, and we were in the family tag-team process of clearing and cleaning supper dishes/ preparing kids’ lunches/ picking up toys/ herding kids upstairs to the bath. Hubby and I had both come home from work on the later side, and my 

When Your Autistic Kid Is Different: Is It Okay?

When Your Autistic Kid Is Different: Is It Okay?

Our town held an Easter Egg party today. Of course, this being Boston, it’s snowing heavily, so the event was held inside. Hubby had offered to give me protected time so I could exercise and study, and I took that offer and ran with it. 

Drowning In The Air: When Hospice Would Have Helped

Drowning In The Air: When Hospice Would Have Helped

This week was completely devoted to an Internal Medicine review course. My whole schedule was blocked, and I rode the train into town each morning to sit in a lecture room, sip tea, and soak up the knowledge. It’s been wonderful to sit and be 

Can we just stay home?

Can we just stay home?

It’s been a long work and school week. Today, Saturday, I figured we’d be taking the kids somewhere fun, like the aquarium or a museum. So when the cat jumped on my head at dawn, I went downstairs, got myself some coffee, and studied. I’ve got 

On Lent, Drugs, and Letting Go

On Lent, Drugs, and Letting Go

I usually hesitate to write about things that could be deemed overly religious, because I am not overly religious. We didn’t join our left-wing liberal little church community for the “churchy” part, but rather, for the “community” part. Where else in your life can you choose 

When A Great Man Dies

When A Great Man Dies

Disbelief and denial, that’s where grief begins. When we heard the news, the doctor in me had to know what happened. What could so suddenly fell this man, the rock of our church? Over the past five years, we’ve seen him as tall and strong, 

Nachos and Cookies For Lunch…Bad Mommy, or Healthy Moderation?

Nachos and Cookies For Lunch…Bad Mommy, or Healthy Moderation?

The kids and I had homemade nachos for lunch today, with girl scout cookies for dessert. Later, for an afternoon activity, we made and decorated sugar cookies. And no, I’m not  concerned about any of us. As a matter of fact, the kids had ice cream 

My Parenting Skills Plummet with the Temperatures.

My Parenting Skills Plummet with the Temperatures.

My parenting patience is directly related to the temperature. The colder it is, the more frustrated I am. Two kids, three errands to run, ten degrees and windy outside, infinite layers of clothes needed, and zero children are ready in time. It’s school vacation week, and 

Stocking Up For the Storm… And Not At The Grocery Store

Stocking Up For the Storm… And Not At The Grocery Store

Yes, we’re in the middle of another blizzard. At least it’s a long weekend, and hopefully, I won’t have to revisit the “when the doctor cancels clinic” theme again. But, it’s a long weekend. And we’ve already had 77 inches of snow. Roads, parking lots,