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Traveling in the morning…

Tomorrow morning, my phone alarm will go off at 4:30 a.m. Hubby and I will stumble around gathering ourselves and all the stuff I am bringing on my trip. I’m going to Central America for a week with the kids and my mom, to attend a few family milestone celebrations. Good, positive stuff! But my stomach is all a-flutter as I run around trying to prepare…

Of course, I left so much to the last minute. of course, I haven’t yet packed a thing. Of course, I spent today driving around haphazardly trying to pick up all the loose ends and gifts and foodstuffs and toiletries we’ll need. Then typing furiously, doing all the online bill pay, answering long-overdue email messages, reaching out to friends and family where we will be, printing out the itinerary and the travel insurance information and locating the passports and…

Now? I actually have to put stuff in bags and make real decisions. What on earth will we all wear? What will I bring to distract a 3 1/2 year old boy and a 23-month old girl for five hours of flying time?

So here I go…

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